Monday 24 November 2008

where disappointment and regret collides

The bruise on my arm looks awful. I look like a housewife that has gotten quite a beating..alright fine it’s not that bad but..still. *self-pity*

I got an answer from some guy about renting his flat. That's great. Except thing’s got weirder with every mail. First he claimed that he is in South Africa now on a "mission of God" then he told me to talk with his wife about the flat. So I emailed her and she claimed that she is in United States right now and had a horrible accident which has given her hearing problems as well as put her in a wheelchair. Then she wanted information about me like my full name and address, my parents address, my religion and whatnot. And she wrote that she would want 1 or 2 months deposit before she would even send the keys over from the US. I answered back that I'm still very interested in the flat but I would not give out my full name and personal information to a stranger online. And I wrote that I do have the money for the deposit but I will not pay that until after I've seen the flat.The bitch didn't answer. I mean I knew it was bullshit once the mails started being drenched in talk about God and all. Do people really think that someone will send their money over just like that? Who is idiotic enough to do that?

Other news, my English teacher is quitting. So we’ll get someone new. It can only go downhill I think (except if we get Thea because she’s great too). Most the teacher’s in our school are boring based on what I’ve seen and heard in their lectures. I know I shouldn’t be prejudiced but I can’t help it. I’m really going to miss being picked on by my teacher. At least he makes the classes interesting.

So now I’m dreading next week. Not only will I get a new teacher but I might be homeless too since I still haven’t found a flat and have to move out of the residence by Sunday. Things are certainly looking up, eh?

Saturday 22 November 2008

smoking chocolate

I am the biggest fuck-up in London.

We went to Vendome yesterday (amazing club, fabolous music and not too crowded like Amika was last weekend)

All was good, we come in and as usual get our drinks and just dance and have a great time.
Then around 3 am I feel tired so I sit next to my friend and according to her I told her I wanna sleep and then collapsed. Suddenly out of nowhere I'm lying on the (very clean and shiny) floor. The security takes me outside, of course a big group gathers around me. Some french guy (always the goddamn french I'm always surrounded by them) is a nurse and tries to check on me and then they call the ambulance and off I go, to spend my friday night/morning on a cold, uncomfortable bed all alone in my misery. GOOD JOB GIRLIE!

I came to my senses around 8 in the morning, tried calling my friends but no one answered so I just got dressed and took the tube home. Felt shaky in the tube so I sat on some stairs for a while and a man came up and asked if I was alright. Thank you stranger, for your therepeutic smile.

My arm (from my elbow to my armpit) is covered in awful bruises. The french nurse appearantly kept pinching me to make me talk. Sadistic french. But still Thank you for taking care of me when I couldn't.

My friends found some what they thought was sh*t yesterday and tried to smoke it. Appearantly it was just some old chocolate. So they smoked chocolate. Seems yesterday was a complete fuck-up day for us all.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Welcome to London
Well I should probably introduce myself and all that. I am Alexandra the Great. I moved here about two months ago, and so did most of my friends. This is my attempt at blogging about our lives here in the fantastic city called London.

First of all Welcome to London ( at least the London from my point of veiw)
Welcome to London is a phrase my friends and I always say whenever someone complains about London and the life here. Because during the first days all we heard was Welcome to London from pretty much everyone; teachers, londoners, the manager of my residence and so on.
So when one of us would complain about the weather, the heating, the food, the water, the tube etc. we would always say "welcome to London".

Mind the gap is also one of those things. We hear it everyday, at least 4+ times a day when we take the tube to wherever we're going. So basically we say it all the time and it's probably not very funny for anyone except us but we don't care we say it anyway.

London is dramatic. The life here is full of drama. Crazy people + crazy cultures mixed togheter with frequent visits to the pub = drama. But I'm not complaining. Drama is fun and although it gives me a headache sometimes, at least it keeps life interesting.

Well I dont know what else to write for now, its 8:30 in the morning and I haven't even gone to bed yet. I'll post some later, more about my friends and the things we have been up to during our 2 months here.

Goodnight...or should I say Goodmorning?