Thursday 20 November 2008

Welcome to London
Well I should probably introduce myself and all that. I am Alexandra the Great. I moved here about two months ago, and so did most of my friends. This is my attempt at blogging about our lives here in the fantastic city called London.

First of all Welcome to London ( at least the London from my point of veiw)
Welcome to London is a phrase my friends and I always say whenever someone complains about London and the life here. Because during the first days all we heard was Welcome to London from pretty much everyone; teachers, londoners, the manager of my residence and so on.
So when one of us would complain about the weather, the heating, the food, the water, the tube etc. we would always say "welcome to London".

Mind the gap is also one of those things. We hear it everyday, at least 4+ times a day when we take the tube to wherever we're going. So basically we say it all the time and it's probably not very funny for anyone except us but we don't care we say it anyway.

London is dramatic. The life here is full of drama. Crazy people + crazy cultures mixed togheter with frequent visits to the pub = drama. But I'm not complaining. Drama is fun and although it gives me a headache sometimes, at least it keeps life interesting.

Well I dont know what else to write for now, its 8:30 in the morning and I haven't even gone to bed yet. I'll post some later, more about my friends and the things we have been up to during our 2 months here.

Goodnight...or should I say Goodmorning?


Anonymous said...

woohoooo the first to comment and I have nothing to say haha (a)

Anonymous said...

by the way I found out what you mean by "mind the gap" now hahaha..

Anonymous said...

Too much drama in our city !!!!! I should say, French city no? 'cause of course, if you want to learn english, London is not a good place for u, isn't it? ;)

Alexandra the Great !!! I miss u !