Wednesday 31 December 2008

So this is the new year, and I dont feel any different

I went to the Natural History Museum, with my brazilian friend. We had a great time and really I didn't know that he was 24, I always thought he was my age. But then his age explains why I always found him so mature. I always thought he was a mature 19 year old boy. But who am I kidding theres no such thing as mature 19 year old guys, just like there's no Santa, Leprechauns, smart blondes and all those other fairy-tale characters.

Some educational pictures for you:
The first is some dinasaurs, the second is the entrance to the zone about earth, the third is a lifesized fake bluewhale, and the last picture is of my brazilian friend.

Other than that I haven't really done much besides shopping. And worrying about my trip on Saturday. I don't know what to pack, since I am going to my home country, where the rest of my possesions are then I will probably want to bring some more stuff over, like shoes and maybe another jacket, some dresses and party clothes. But then I can't bring alot of stuff with me there in the first place, or if I do they'll have to be left there when I return to London. So what clothes don't I want anymore? Jesus I love all my stuff, I already sacrified half my closet when I moved here in September. We'll see what happens.

I can't sleep, which is why I'm blogging when I don't really have anything new or exciting to write about. It's almost 4:30 in the morning but I just can't sleep. It's New Years Eve' today.
In less than 24 hours it will be yet another year. Tick-tock. I want to change the world.
Well I better turn off my laptop and at least rest my eyes even if my mind is reeling.

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