Tuesday 3 February 2009

The art of being a woman

" Allowing the men to believe that they, indeed, are in charge. That is the art of being a woman." -Lady Elizabeth

Alright I know I said that I would blog at least once a week. But now you've learned your lesson. Never believe a woman’s words. So what has been happening in this crazy atmosphere?

Birthday Party: I went to a crazy birthday party with a group of friends. We were supposed to have a table at Cristal club (which is a fancy exclusive club worth shit) but the fuckers wouldn’t let us in so we went to another club in Leicester Square, called Sound.
To be honest the music was awful, mostly hip hop and not even good hip hop at that.
Crowding was also a problem, simply too many people, but that’s expected on a Saturday night in London.We had a VIP table thanks to the birthday-boy and started drinking,
fast-forward one hour and everyone is drunker than skunks. Some start stripping, boys start kissing boys. People are hanging of f the ceiling (yes I was one of those).
And we all ended up on the floor a few times. And I mean ALL, the whole group went down together because basically we were all leaning on each other for support in our drunken hazes. Afterwards we went to Ability Towers and kept partying a bit more.
Eventually some went to sleep and some kept right on with the madness.
I went to bed around five in the morning. I had to sleep in my Norwegian friend’s bed, there wasn’t much space for the both of us but we survived, barely.

Library: I got my library card. I’ve borrowed so many books, I’m extremely happy now.
Books are one of the few things that I like about life. I am a bookworm and damn proud of it too.

Snow Chaos: On Sunday night London’s rainfall decided it needed a break and gave the job of making our lives miserable to a snow storm. Yesterday was chaos. No buses, no underground (except the northern line and central line), shops were closed and people didn’t go to work. Personally I think it was a bit melodramatic but I guess this city isn’t used to snowfall and isn’t able to handle it. Yesterday and today has been awful, snow everywhere.
But it’s getting warmer now and the evil snow is melting, thank whomever for that.

Endured isolation: Since our internet has been cut off and we need to fix up a BT-line but cannot do that without our landlady we’ve been stealing internet from our neighbors downstairs. But they were gone for two weeks and had turned off the modem so I had to endure two horrific weeks without internet. The fellows came back yesterday and I’ve basically been glued to the screen ever since. I need internet or I go mad. How am I supposed to keep in touch with the rest of the world when all I can do is sit in my ice-cold flat and stare at the wall?

Other than that I haven’t really done anything worth mentioning.
Basically I’ve been wishing for internet and felt sorry for myself .
Now I’m going to Tesco I think. I’m sick of this flat.

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